

Full time student with a passion for developing software that makes life simpler.

Work History

    Software Engineer Intern

    June 2024 - August 2024

    Capital One

  • Developed asynchronous event handlers in JavaScript for Capital One's Test Data Management CLI, providing a single solution for all automated QA account related testing across Capital One.
  • Shortened teams manual testing time from one day to 10 minutes by creating Bash scripts scheduled by Jenkins cron jobs, which automated account conditioning for live dependency testing.
  • Designed and deployed a database schema to store test user accounts, integrated with Jenkins to reset profiles post-testing, minimizing storage overhead from unusable entries.
  • Facilitated cross-functional collaboration with stakeholders, project leads, and developers to define requirements and set project milestones, reducing project completion time by one week.

    Software Engineer Intern

    June 2023 - August 2023

    Lumen Technologies

  • Achieved a 4% increase in accuracy for Lumen's email intent AI model through preprocessing and cleaning incoming messages using Apex, validated with cross-validation.
  • Reduced manual data cleansing effort by creating Python scripts to enhance training data quality, removing over 600 redundant and irrelevant utterances.
  • Visualized and presented the real-time results of the model using Salesforce reports, allowing 5+ teams to gain insights from the data.

    Software Developer

    January 2023 - May 2023

    Meteor Studio at ASU

  • Partnered with Verizon to design and develop AR/VR mini-games, introducing over 1,000 high school seniors to sectors within the tech industry.
  • Contributed to a 12% increase in user satisfaction by building a fully-fledged project manager UI using Unity Canvas with C#.
  • Supported Product Owner through involvement in grooming and maintaining the product backlog in Jira, ensuring user stories were sprint ready.



A multi-threaded, FIX-based client-server system in C++ for order processing.


AI Tunes

Engineered and deployed a content-based music recommendation system.


412 Media

Led a team to build an Instagram-like social platform.
